Desktop Fay

Desktop Fay 3.18.10 Email assistant for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

Desktop Fay Abstract:

Desktop Fay can act as an Email client, Email notifier, Mailing list manager, Personalized batch email sender, Reminder and Calculator. It is a shareware email application that's fun.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Organize and manage time better with a female desktop assistant who can notify you about incoming emails - Screenshot of Desktop Fay
Organize and manage time better with a female desktop assistant who can notify you about incoming emails.
Screenshot of Desktop Fay - 341px · 379px
Integrated email client - Screenshot of Desktop Fay
Integrated email client.
Screenshot of Desktop Fay - 633px · 446px
Event reminder and built-in calculator - Screenshot of Desktop Fay
Event reminder and built-in calculator.
Screenshot of Desktop Fay - 305px · 215px
Your own virtual secretary - Screenshot of Desktop Fay
Your own virtual secretary.
Screenshot of Desktop Fay - 633px · 446px
Virtual personal secretary - Screenshot of Desktop Fay
Virtual personal secretary.
Screenshot of Desktop Fay - 424px · 300px